Integrative dentistry is a focus on total body health. Your oral health is tended to from a holistic approach. Dr. Franziska Dutton and Dr. Daniel Cohen treat your mouth and body as one complete package, so you can enjoy health and wellness, and a beautiful smile strengthened by total body health. At our practice, you will notice right away that we are passionate about promoting integrative dental medicine for complete health, not just the surface appearance. We look for the cause of disease, not simply treating the symptoms.

Integrative Dental Medicine

As an integrative dental office, we are passionate about supporting our medical colleagues in their efforts to optimize our patients’ health and longevity.

An unbalanced oral microbiome directly affects other microbiomes throughout the body, thus exacerbating various inflammatory chronic disease processes. Preventive cardiologists want salivary diagnostic testing for certain key periodontal pathogens prior to formulating a definitive cardiac treatment plan for their patients.

Red Flags for Heart and Stroke Risk graphic


Red Flags for Heart & Stroke Risk

Heart attacks and strokes are common medical concerns for people who live in the United States. In fact, every 43 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack and every four minutes, an American dies from a stroke. Often the people who suffer had no idea that they had cardiovascular disease (CVD). The BaleDoneen Method offers a unique, comprehensive and science-based approach to detecting, preventing and treating CVD that has been shown in two peer-reviewed studies to halt or reverse the disease and prevent heart attacks and strokes.

At The Healing Art of Dentistry, our dentists and team use the BaleDoneen Method which includes advanced lab tests and imaging to directly check each patient for hidden signs of arterial disease. As dentists, we see the damage plaque can cause to your teeth. If plaque is found in the arteries, the person is at risk for a heart attack or an ischemic stroke — and needs optimal care advised by the BaleDoneen Method.

Learn more about integrative dental medicine and the BaleDoneen Method in Redding, California, by calling our office for a visit at 530-241-4134.